The oak tree


High performing cultures achieve great things

How We Support You

FidesOak® takes the time to get to know you and any areas where you need support. Once we have built a trusted partnership and listened to your needs, we will work collaboratively with you to create a bespoke programme which may include an assessment of your current culture, training, workshops, and different levels of coaching dependent upon your requirements.

Our aim is for our programmes to be tailored to your needs, outcome driven, based on real life learning and ultimately for these learnings and behavioural changes to be sustainable where our presence is no longer needed.

A group conversation in a warehouse

Measurement and Assessment

A man and a woman looking at data

HPT® Assessment

FidesOak® offer our HPT® Assessment that assesses an organisation’s culture against the 5 Elements of the High Performing Culture model.  This assessment is done using an online survey, interviews and focus groups to give a more holistic view, and the findings are used to inform recommendations that will support the culture in becoming high performing.  The HPT® Assessment offers a ‘deep dive’ into the organisations culture using client demographics, providing rich information and contributes to a more focussed solution. We then work in collaboration with the client to develop the programme, ensuring that this meets with operational demands of the organisation.

A laptop and mobile phone

HPT® Monitoring Tool

Our HPT® Monitoring Tool allows us to track activity and measure outcomes during the delivery of a programme. It gives FidesOak® and the Client access service delivery activities and its impact


2 men in boiler suits

Lumina Spark

FidesOak® uses Lumina Spark to profile individuals and teams.  This gives insights into those qualities, or traits that we use to our advantage, or may need additional support in realising.  As a method of measuring a team, it recognises the power of diversity and encourages inclusion by identifying the team’s strengths and gaps.

A woman writing notes

Lumina Leader

Lumina Leader is a 360 tool giving leaders an insight into the competencies they demonstrate and how these are experienced by those around them.

2 men shaking hands

Lumina Select

FidesOak® can support your recruitment process through competency based profiling of individuals. Competencies are identified collaboratively, in relation to the role, and this provides an overview and question set to be used in interview based on the individuals effectiveness in these competencies, but ‘blockers’ that have the potential of preventing them for achieving success this these competencies.  Integrated into the recruitment process, this reduces the potential for bias, and offers a greater indication of success in the role.


A woman teaching senior office workers

Executive and Senior Leadership

FidesOak® offer a Visioning workshop for executives and senior leaders to identify their Purpose, aligned with the organisational strategy and establish the behaviours that will deliver this.  This ‘Charter’ becomes a declaration allowing leadership and the organisational to hold themselves accountable.

1:1 coaching will support the exhibition and embedding of the Charter and be directed by the findings of the HPT® Assessment and also using Lumina profiling, either Spark or Leader.  Lumina Spark can also give an indication of how the senior leadership team function by applying to the Lumina Team Map.

FidesOak® executive and senior leadership coaches are accredited of have a number of years’ coaching experience.  Our coaches would also have had experience in senior management or executive roles to be able to align and resonate with their coachees.

Working through a problem with post-it notes

Management and Supervision

FidesOak® offer custom designed workshops for leadership, using the findings of the HPT® Assessment to guide areas of focus, and can include topics such as; Emotional Intelligence, identifying Leadership Styles, creating an enabling environment and promoting Psychological Safety or methodologies to assure accountability.  We also offer 1:1 coaching to manager and supervisors, to embed the learnings from the workshops and support behaviour and habit change that will contribute to the High Performing Culture.

Lumina profiling tools can also provide insights into areas that can be supported by coaching, in coming High Performing Individuals and their roles in creating their own High Performing Teams

Boots on the ground

Woman and 2 men in a mine

FidesOak® can offer custom designed workshops that has been guided by the findings of the HPT® Assessment.  These are flexible, and can be done as days, modular or virtually to suit the operational demands of the organisation.  ‘Boots on the Ground’ coaches can then be deployed to support the embedding of the learning, and integration of new habits that will form the culture of a High Performing Culture.  These coaches operate in a dynamic manner, being present where activity takes place identifying opportunities to coach in ‘real time’.  This can be individual coaching, in groups or teams.


Our programmes are

Client requirements icon
Customised to client requirements
Outcome driven icon
Outcome driven
Experimental icon
Engaging and impactful icon
Engaging and impactful

All our programmes are fully managed by our team of Programme Managers and BackOffice Support Staff and are;

Monitored for success icon
Monitored for success
Agile icon
Responsive icon
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