The goddess Fides

Delivering Safe, Compliant and Predictable operations



The company wanted to ensure a sustained sense of ‘vulnerability’ (Chronic Unease) on their offshore assets, to deliver safe, compliant and predictable operations. FidesOak® worked with personnel on the assets by first measuring the culture, offering supporting data to mandate a need for change, and then developing a programme of performance coaching, focusing on visible and felt leadership and the application of Control of Work tools to plan and manage activities to ensure safe and successful outcomes.

The challenge

The existing procedures available to the company’s teams were accepted as fit for purpose to ensure safe operations when activities were undertaken. However, the client wanted to be more pro-active in relation to the rules, processes and procedures promoting a greater sense of “vulnerability” (or Chronic Unease) to their work. The company also wanted to introduce and embed a safe, compliant and predictable approach to operations to ensure that when activities were undertaken, they were being done the right way, every time by using the Control of Work tools to plan and monitor. The leadership role was to create an enabling environment that encouraged this, but also to gain assurances.

The solution

FidesOak® measured the culture on each of the offshore assets by deploying the High Performing Teams (HPT®) assessment; an online survey that is issued directly to email addresses or via a QR code. The HPT® assessment measures the 5 elements of a high performing culture; 1. Team Cohesion; 2. Leadership Support; 3. Information Sharing; 4. Vision and Goal Sharing and 5. Psychological Safety.

In addition, the company also wanted to measure Control of Work, so FidesOak® incorporated a module that surveyed the understanding and recognition of hazard awareness, risk perception and the application of the Control of Work tools. The findings of the HPT® assessment were then delivered to the company’s onshore leadership team and stakeholders and a focused ‘way forward’ based on the findings were agreed collaboratively. Offshore leadership were also invited to undertake a personality test to support 1:1 coaching, using Lumina Spark

Key benefits

By focusing on and developing the non-technical attributes of a team, FidesOak® can amplify the team’s full potential, realised in results. We believe people are the solution, and we want to maximise all of their talent. Our behavioural analytics allows us to baseline, track and measure the impact and benefits of our interventions providing assurance of the effectiveness of our approach in delivering outcomes

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